
This page contains an inventory (sorted alphabetically) of the datasets currently available on OgmAPI. Note that some datasets that do not directly contain geographic information are integrated into parent datasets carrying the geographic information. See the associated documentation page for more information on how they are present in our database.

Our service is still in its development stage and not all data from has yet been imported. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have a particular dataset in mind. We’ll add it as soon as possible.

Adresse et géolocalisation des établissements d’enseignement du premier et second degrés

Source URL:

Geolocated list of primary and secondary schools (all ministries, public and private sectors) located in France.

Carte des loyers

Source URL:
Explorer: Administration > Communes / Arrondissement

Advertisement rent indicators by municipality and district.

Compétence territoriale gendarmerie et police nationales

Source URL:
Explorer: Administration > Communes / Arrondissement

This dataset defines the areas of jurisdiction of the national gendarmerie and police.

CORINE Land Cover

Source URL:

In its current form, the CORINE Land Cover (CLC) product offers a pan-European land cover and land use inventory with 44 thematic classes, ranging from broad forested areas to individual vineyards.

IGN Admin Express

Source URL:

The IGN Admin Express dataset contains the administrative boundaries of mainland france and oversees territories.

Immeubles protégés au titre des Monuments Historiques

Source URL:

List of buildings and properties that have been or are protected as Historic Monuments (classified or listed), from 1840 to the present day.

Liste des communes selon le zonage ABC

Source URL:

Conventionally known as ABC zoning, this involves “classifying the country’s municipalities into geographical zones according to the imbalance between housing supply and demand”.

Liste des festivals en France

Source URL:

List and location of festivals in france.

Liste des Musées de France

Source URL:

This dataset reflects the official list of institutions with the “Musée de France” designation, as defined by the French Heritage Code.


Source URL:

OpenStreetMap is an open source map. For now OgmAPI integrates simple OpenStreetMap elements in the explorer view. This dataset is not yet available for the advanced query.

Plan Cadastral Informatisé (PCI)

Source URL:

The Plan Cadastral Informatisé (PCI) contains all the cadastre areas in France.

Zones Touristiques Internationales

Source URL:

Delimitation of international tourist zones. International tourist zones (ZTI) are areas where retail outlets can derogate from Sunday rest for employees.